Is HE the #1 Sophomore in High School Lacrosse??

And why Lacrosse Season is here sooner than you think.

Good morning.

I’m Jake and this is Recruit Report presented by Apex Lacrosse Events.

I’m your friend who tells you everything you need to know about high school lacrosse.

Apex just opened up limited spots for the Apex Fall National Showcase.

Over 200 alumni are now playing D1 lacrosse, and there’s over 30 college lacrosse coaches attending.

Spots are closing soon, and you can fill out an interest form here.

Now, let’s get into it!

How to Get RECRUITED to Play College Lacrosse

This week, Inside Lacrosse posted an interview with Lars Tiffany, the head coach of UVA.

This interview is a treasure trove of information on how to get recruited. Let me give you a few of my biggest takeaways:

  • Late Bloomers Rejoice. If you think your best lacrosse is still ahead of you, I’ve got some good news. Lars says he purposely leaves a few spots open for the “late bloomers,” which means you still have time to prove yourself.

  • Listen Up…If you’re beating yourself up about a particularly bad game or tournament you had this summer, fear not. Lars says he likes to see recruits 3-5 times before making a judgement call on their game. So if you had one bad game or showing, don’t worry about it.

  • An Important Reminder. Lars says the first thing he does after a recruit visits UVA is ask the host (usually a current UVA player) how the recruit treated others. If the recruit was a jerk or had a big ego, Lars said he’s perfectly fine moving on from him. Don’t be that guy.

Lacrosse Season Is Here Sooner Than You Think

It’s crazy to think that summer’s almost over and it’s officially “back to school” season.

But let me tell you another crazy stat: we’re less than 6 months away from the start of February and lacrosse season. It’s coming sooner than you think.

I want you to do something for me. Close your eyes and picture yourself heading to a cold, February practice next year.

How do you want to feel on that February day? What would make you feel satisfied?

For some of you, that could be as simple as 2 extra days of sprints every week.

For others, it could mean completely changing your shooting form.

No matter what you do, I have one more suggestion: keep a practice log.

Keep it simple. Date, then 1 sentence about what you worked on.

When February comes, you’ll can refer to that practice log and know you put in all that work. And you’ll be satisfied.

Featured Recruit: Ethan Bramoff ‘26

Big hits. Rusty gates. Yard sales. This highlight reel has it all.

Ethan Bramoff is a rising sophomore for St. Anthony’s, and he’s got all the tools and talent to be one of the top recruits in his class.

Some analysts are already putting him at the #1 spot for the class of 2026, and it’s easy to see why.

If you’re an aspiring defenseman or LSM, this highlight tape needs to be on repeat for the next month.

Remember, every week we feature a recruit. Respond to this email to nominate a player!

Talk to you soon.

